I want you and your child to get the support you need.

A Focus on Family

The family unit has a profound influence over a child’s development. I recognize the family as a powerful teammate, and strive to collaborate with the whole family by providing direct family coaching, and using the day to day routines of the whole family in my interventions.

A Focus on Evidence

Parents are bombarded with information about their children daily: what they should be doing, what they shouldn’t be doing, and everything in between. But what you see isn’t always supported by the most current evidence, or apply to every child.

My job is to know the current evidence and science, and turn it into a plan to help your child and family meet your goals.

How I Can Help


Fine Motor Development

Fine motor skill development is essential for children to be able to interact with the world around them. Our hands open up a world of engagement, by manipulating tools, playing with toys, and exploring nature. Making sure children have the strength, endurance, and motor foundation which are essential for their success.


Home Based Sensory Processing

It’s important to support a child’s sensory processing needs in their natural environments, where the real life implications are seen. In collaboration with your family, we can work together to build a sensory diet that is not only fun but supportive.

Handwriting Skills

Despite living in a digital world, it’s still an incredibly important life skill to be able to communicate through writing. But due to shifts in most school systems, children are getting less and less time devoted to learning to write. There are many ways to address handwriting, including the Handwriting Without Tears program.


Activities of Daily Living

Making sure our children grow into independent adults is the goal of all parents. But some children struggle with gaining independence in day to day tasks like getting dressed or feeding themselves at mealtime. Providing strategies to help master these skills can help children grow both inside and out.

Dr. Jennifer Loughlin, OTD, OTR/L

Dr. Jennifer Loughlin, OTD, OTR/L

About Jenn

I received my Master of Occupational Therapy degree from Quinnipiac University in 2010 and began practicing in early intervention. I returned to Quinnipiac and received my post-professional Doctorate of Occupational Therapy degree in 2016. My capstone project focused on increasing family engagement in early intervention and I have presented my work at the state and national level. During that time I also began to build a wider pediatric client base by working privately with clients, all with a focus on engaging families in the therapeutic process. I am licensed in the state of New Jersey and certified through the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy.

I’m a mom, and I know first hand that sometimes recommendations made by professionals just aren’t realistic in our everyday lives. Sometimes there really isn’t enough time, space, or energy at the end of the day. That awareness has driven me to make sure every family I work with is met with compassion, understanding, and a team based approach. By investing in the families I work with, they know I’ll be there to help them on the journey to meet their goals.